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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

  1. #61
    Favorite Music: Well, I guess I'll have to say FF7. The battle themes (this includes bosses) were hard and sounded more like rock than any of the others. Aeris' theme almost made me cry, it was so emotional. And just overall, the tunes from FF7 were catchy and fun (in a good way). FF6 is a close runner-up.

    Favorite Overall Characters: I'll have to go with FF6. That was my first FF, and it made a big impression on me in terms of best characters, best story, etc. And I like how the FF6 crew starts out kind of cartoony in ways, and throughout the game develop into real human-type characters you really identify with. This stands in stark contrast to FF9, where they just stayed cartoony.

    Favorite Character: This is what I tell to everyone who asks this: Look at my user name. Good. Now you know. What I like about Cloud is that he is easily the most tragic, the most flawed FF character. And yet he manages to eventually conquer it all and defeat evil. That sounds a lot like an ancient Greek play, doesn't it? Well, no. Anyway, yeah, Cloud by a long shot.

    Favorite Battle System: Ehhh... probably FF7. I loved using Materia, which was a welcome relief from the Junction system of FF8, which I had just beat with almost no sweat. FF6's Esper system was good, too.

    Favorite Villain: This is who people usually say 50% of the time: Kefka! yes, Sephiroth was extremely bad-ass, but he just barely loses out to the transvestite clown thingie. Kefka's laugh was the BEST. And he was so cartoony at times... yeah, he's the best.

    Favorite Ending: Once again, FF6. Sure, evey ending wraps stuff up, but the way in which FF6's ending was done just overwhelmed me. I think it's just your "I beat my first RPG game!" feeling that you can never really get again.

    Favorite Storyline: Take a guess. Yep, it's FF6! Like I said, everything just... comes together, in a way I really can't explain. FF6 was a magical experience the entire way through, and I still haven't gotten over it. It was my first FF, and, in my opinion, the best. The characters were fun, the villain was a freaking evil clown with a memorable laugh, and the whole game was just magic. End. Of. Story.
    Last edited by Cloud Strife X; 01-11-2007 at 03:42 AM.

  2. #62
    Favorite Music: My Favorite sound track would have to be FF6. it was a great sound. i could just listin to it all day. it also steped away from the sound of older FFs by adding more depth to the music.

    Favorite Overall Characters: My Favorite set of Characters would have to be From FF4. i just got the fell for those characters. they were different from the older FF in wich all the characters faced problems of there own. and a history in wich they would want to forget.

    Favorite Character: My Favorit Character would Be a Tie bettween Cecil and Cid from FF4. Cid to me was kick A$$. he was just funny and what not. Cecil was your adverge Dark Knight with a good back ground. he was enjoyable to learn about and what not.

    Favorite Villain:Sephiroth....... yes Sephiroth. thought through my eyes he is doing the right thing. but i guess i cant be the writer of FF games. so i he is the Villain. i had a strange conection with him. i guess its the hold thing on why im here. if you know what i mean.

    Favorite Ending: Favorite Ending would have to fall to FF4. i just like the setup on how they aproched it.

    Favorite Storyline: THat would have to fall right down to FF7. i was like "WOW......." when i frist played it. it was a deep story. and long. hehehe. the hole thing with that one girl dieing sorta pissed me off. but hey she wasnt that good. lol.

    Agent Cid

  3. #63
    I'm glad you brought this thread up. Here's what I think.
    Favorite Music?
    I don't really pay attention to the music too long as they have something to keep the player going...

    Favorite Overall Characters?
    Hmm... It'd probably be in the later games, cuz the people had more personality I guess it'd be FFX! They're all really good though.

    Favorite Character?
    Ooooooh.... now this is a hard one. It's either Cid in FFVII, Barret in FFVII, or Auron in FFX, cuz I love hard-cores and they swear a lot, except for Auron ....whimper...whimper.( It'd be cool if he did, especially when they talk!) Eh, I guess Auron for the nice personality, ( hey, kinda wise ya know!) and a tough attitude!

    Favorite Batttle System?
    FFX is the greatest, you can switch characters in battle and the sumnmoning? It's like having an entirely new ally! But that materia system is really cool...

    Favorite Villain?
    Dude, it'd gotta be Kefka in FFVI. Hee, hee, hee...

    Favorite Story?
    FFVII all the way... No doubt, cuz it had everything.

    Favorite Ending?
    Probably FFVIII. (but they should still kill Seifer cuz he sucks!)

    Favorite place?
    In FFV, the kupo's forest thingy was kinda cool.

    Notice that most of my picks were from FFV and FFX

  4. #64
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] sabin_66's Avatar
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    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    Favourite Music - Defo FFIX, some of that stuff was just plain genius. Nobuo's a legend!

    Favourite Character - Hmmmm, probably, out of everyone, Sabin from FFVI cus he just owns all but i also like Amarant and Zell

    Fave Character outta Everyone - hmmmmm... i quite like Leo from VI before he dies, he was a decent bloke

    Fave Battle System - Probably FFVI, simple enough tom understand and also very complicated if you want it to be

    Favie Baddie - Probably Kuja from FFIX, i didnt like the way hes gurly (mind u arent all FF villains gurly) but, his music was cool and he rode a silver dragon. Shazam!

    Fave Story - FF9, i mean all the stories were practically the same (somebody steals a great power, gotta stop them, blah blah) but i think FFIX had a good load of interesting bits on it too

    Fave Ending - FFIX, First one i ever saw, best one i ever saw

    Fave Place - Burmecia outta FFIX, cus it always rains. i also like conde petie (also from ffIX) cus the dudes are scottish (just like numero uno) and a few others, but i mean, u cant beat the rain! thats the shizna that is!
    Last edited by sabin_66; 08-04-2004 at 01:45 PM.
    <img src="">

  5. #65
    Favorite Music:

    Without a doubt, Final Fantasy VI.

    Favorite Characters:

    FFT. Delita and Orlandu just appealed to me. Even though I only used Orlandu once or twice, I just liked his personality. He don't ****ing play

    Favorite Character:

    lol, Gerogero from FFVIII. You've got to love a zombie that looks like a president and gnaws on your head. I laughed my ass off at that part.

    Favorite Battle System:

    Tough choice, but I will have to choose Final Fantasy Tactics over FFIV, FFVI and FFVIII. Though FFV is also a great game, I've always thought that the job system in Tactics was just better.

    Favorite Villain:

    Before I played Final Fantasy VI, I thought that Golbez from Final Fantasy IV was the coolest looking, most badass character ever. I love the part where you see him for the first time: Kain had just beat the crap out of Cecil and Golbez majestically walks into the room and devastates Yang and Edward with a simple energy blast, than bitch slaps Rosa and carries her out of the room while Kain grabs the Crystal and quickly follows. Ah, very, very cool. Plus, what is a video game villain without his cool subordinates? There is Kain, Rubicant, Kainazzo....

    Yeah, im gonna agree with this one.

    Favorite Story:

    Wow, this one is stump-hard. Im not entirely sure.

    Favorite Ending:

    FFT, If it can count. It all just.......... ends. No big deal, life just goes on again.

    There you have it folks, proof that I liked FFT WAAAAY too much.


  6. #66
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] ToroMor's Avatar
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    Nailed to an inverted cross
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Hard to decide. I would say FFVII because I found it the most enchanting.
    But it is closely followed by FFX (perfect suiting music themes).
    I must add that one music theme in FFV is my special favourite, I dont know the name its playing when you walk over the great bridge.
    But its hard to find good reasons for liking a special song

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    The characters in FFVI in general are best balanced and unique. Locke and Shadow are hard to beat.
    But also FFVII is outstanding. Cloud ist the only main character with real fighter attitude. And of course Sephiroth is unsurpassed.
    Followed by FFX, which has the most lively characters imo (Auron is my favourite).
    O man its hard again. Ok, I say FFVI.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Cloud from FFVII. As stated before.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    That is very hard. In each FF there are aspects of the battle system which I liked, in special:
    FFV: the flexible job system
    FFVII: the materia
    FFX: the sphere grid (yes, I like it) and the round-based battles (not "active time")
    But there are also negative aspects, escpecially in FFX where I hate the weapon & armour system and I am missing the "levels".
    After all, I cant't make a clear decision.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    FFVII - Sephiroth. That what makes him unique is not only his cool manner and his looks but he is also the most complex villain regarding motivation.
    Others are too plain or lack motivation or are just too bizarre (X-Death, Kefka, Ultimecia, Kuja and the like).

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Again, FFVII. Played it several times but did never understand all aspects.
    I think the translation is odd, but maybe I am just too silly.
    But it was the most complex and fascinating story for me. FFX wasn't bad too but a bit too thin.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FFVII just for one reason: slashing Sephiroth!
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Toro Mor">

    Dark Christ
    Ruler of the Pit
    Abound with power excelling the Jehovah
    As I sack the Heavens
    I Will ascend the Throne
    Thou shall be brought down unto the abyss
    The Salvation from the Trinity
    Celebrate me
    Lo and Behold, For I am The New Christ
    A Christ of Darkness

  7. #67
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Riverhead, NY
    Yeah I'm changing my entry
    Favorite Music:

    Vocal:Final Fantasy X-2. They have nice vocal music. I love it.
    Regular:Final Fantasy VIII

    Favorite Characters:
    Final Fantasy X
    Fantasy VI
    Favorite Character:

    Auron- He was just so ****in awesome. I don't know why but he always had a presence about him. Although he really wasn't an open book, he had a way cool entrance to the game. Bad ass? Why yeesh.

    Yuna- She was just so easy going and nice. And sweet. She would be such a good friend to anyone.

    Favorite Battle System:

    Hmm...FFX-2. The Dresspheres I do realize they where a variation of the class/job system, but it made it look pretty

    I did also like X without the active time battle.

    And VIII with the most customizable.

    Favorite Villain:

    Sephy- Motivation, killing, and evilness. He was just so cool to me. i'm think if he wasn't the villian I would just die.

    Favorite Story:

    This one is hard.
    I pick VIII. It has so much depth, everything matched up with everything, and yet it still let you mind think up theories as well.

    Favorite Ending:
    X- I cried when I saw it. It was so well done and well the rest is spoiler so I'll put them into the proper form:
    Tidus dying, Yuna running through him not able to feel his warmth. The sending of all the fayth and stuff. It was just so good.

    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 08-26-2004 at 09:43 AM.

  8. #68
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Difficult to say, probably FF6. Although all the FFs had a least a dozen memorable tracks, FF6's really stayed with me. It seemed like the most complete version. It was atomspheric and beautiful. I can still hum most of the tunes in my head.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Though FF6 comes a close second, FFX is the winner. I just felt FFX could more fully develop the characters. I didn't dislike a single character in the cast. Each hit a chord with me, even Wakka, who's character type I'd normally not like, all made a lasting, good expression.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Well, Sephiroth is my all-time fav character for FFs, but I already have him in the fav villian so I'll just quote my favs from each FF:

    FF4: Cecil; FF6: Cyan, FF7: Vincent, FF9: Vivi, FFX: Auron

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    FFX, easily. It seemed to have all of the good and none of the bad. I use to hate games that you couldn't swap characters in and out. It made developing the character hard, since I'd have some characters at level 100 and others at level 20. FFX made is so that wasn't that much of a problem.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    FF7, without a doubt. Sorry, but here's another Sephiroth fan. And it's not just about the looks, though that helps. It's his past, his personality, the fact that he never even learns the truth of his identity, the entire intricacy of his past. Kefka is another fav, though.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FF6, though FFX is close. FF6's story flowed well and I loved the parting of where they split into seperate units. It's all pulled together, yet doesn't get too confusing. FFX was quite similar though I felt it lacked a bit more adventure.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FFIV. It just felt so complete to me. It seemed to tie in all the loose ends and it involved nearly the entire cast. I really felt satisfied at the end. I also liked FFX's though it was, to me, just a shade less complete.
    Last edited by Dragonsoul; 10-22-2004 at 06:39 AM.

  9. #69
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Lothar Goldfist's Avatar
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    Where the story's at
    FFVI was the definitive gateway FF for me. It led me into playing all the others, though none of them were quite as absorbing as this one.

    But this probably wasn't the answer you're looking for, so I'll give this a fair shot:

    Favorite FF Music:
    Final Fantasy VI. Hearing Aria de Mezzo Caraterre for the first time left me spellbound, and still does it for me every time.

    Favorite FF Characters:
    FFVI. From the relic hunting Locke Cole, to the mysterious Gogo, to quite possibly the best-ever uncontrollable character (that being Umaro). FFX can be credited, though, for having the most coherent party mentality. They all played well off each other, and each one had some interesting ghosts in all their closets.

    Favorite FF Character:
    Again, Final Fantasy VI wins here as well. Setzer Gabianni, as you can probably tell from the current avatar, is my all-time favorite character. An honorable mention goes to FFIX's Vivi Orunitia. Cute little guy, but powerful!

    Favorite Battle System:
    FFX. Getting to use all characters in a party, and indeed you have to from time to time, was well done. While the Sphere Grid was anything but a pleasure, this one comes out on top in my books.

    Favorite Villain:
    Ooooohhhhh. FFVI's Kefka, of course! What not to like about him?

    Favorite Storyline:
    FFVI. Only one I've fallen in love with, the only one which will keep me coming back again and again. I've never come across characters that have been quite as believeable as these. And the part of grouping characters together in different units (both arranged and manual) was ingenious.

    Favorite Ending:
    FFIX was wonderfully executed, to the point of even dethroning FFVI. Had a nice twist at the end, and made you feel all warm and mushy inside.

  10. #70
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    My favourite music was from Final Fantasy VII. The character's themes suited them perfectly, virtually all of the location themes were great and Aerith's theme... well, that was just moving. I love Aerith's theme, it's beautiful.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    I'd have to say 7. All of the characters (except maybe Vincent) were well-developed and fully fleshed out throughout the game. They all had their own little sidequests ('cept Vincent) which help you understand them better. Besides, 7 is the only FF game where I like all of the main characters; in all the other games, there's at least one party member who makes me want to scream and throw things. Well, not so much in Final Fantasy 9, but I prefer 7's characters.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    My favourite character tends to change constantly, right now it's a tie between Aerith, Rufus and Yuna. Aerith because she's beautiful and brilliant in battle, and her personality is fleshed out (I wish she hadn't died, but her deathscene was also beautiful). Rufus because he's just so funny and for a side villain, he really is quite interesting. Yuna because her determination and willpower is really admirable, I love her outfit design and, well, she looks damn good ^_~

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Hmm... a tie between FF7 and X-2. The Job system was fun in X-2, and the fast-paced battling was great, but because of it, it made the game so easy. The entire materia and complete customising system in FF7 was cool, but there should've been at least one move per character that was exclusive to them, so that there was some variation and strategizing involved in picking who should be in your party.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    My favourite big villain was Sephiroth, because he looks very cool, it was interesting how his character completely changed after Nibelheim (and interesting to think about how he was beforehand and how things could've changed) and his whole character design was very fleshed out. Plus, I loved it in the flashback when he was in the party, he was so powerful.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    I'm not sure... FFX was the one that had the most twists and turns for me. FFVIII was a very cool one (but a bit farfetched with the orphanage thing). FFVII was good, but a bit clichéd at points. FFIX was pure cliché, but in a fun way. FFIV really threw me, but I liked it. FFX-2 was a bit cliché, but there were still a few nice twists, although I think the story was a bit too customizable in some parts. Overall, probably FFX. It definitely isn't my favourite game, but it surprised me the most with it's twists.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    I haven't actually finished that many. I was very displeased with FFIX's ending, it left many loose ends, but not in a good way. I can't think about FFVII's ending now that AC is due because I was so firmly convinced everyone on the planet except for Red XIII's race was dead. I liked FFX-2 and it's perfect ending. That was sweet, I had a big grin on my face for the rest of the day.

  11. #71
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?:it was ff7 one of them was eight winged angel and the other was the first jenova fight.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?:ff7 beacause i really enjoyed the characters and their attiude.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?:ff7 cloud strife was my fav character.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?:ff7's battle system.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?:ff7 sephiroth.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?:ff3 or known as 6 i really understood the story was why.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?:ff8 beacause it was long and they did everything in the ending with great timeing.

  12. #72
    Kain Highwind
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Definitely FF8. FF8 was the first FF game when most of the songs are in the MP3 format and really were at their peak. Eyes on Me, The Extreme, and The Landing are just a few of the examples of how the music ties you in more emotionally than other ones, just because of how memorable each song is. It's really hard to explain, but I just plain love FF8's soundtrack more than any other game's.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FF9. 9's characters were really varied and most of them had a lot of development and personality. You could really feel Freya's ties to her hometown and quest to redeem herself after it, Vivi and Zidane's search for the truth, Garnet's experiences to better herself as the queen someday, and Steiner's questioning of the path he chooses and his concept of free will and duty to his kingdom.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    FF4 has Kain, and he is my favorite.
    Kain was brought up by King Baron with Cecil after Kain's dad died. They were basically brothers. When King Baron(or possibly Kainzanno) asked them to wield the dark sowrd the protect Baron, Cecil accepted, while Kain rejected, as he felt that he should follow in his late dad's footsteps, showing his loyalty to his family. Ever since then, Kain has been in Cecil's shadow, with Cecil accomplishing everything and gaining fame while Kain has nothing but his dragoon's honor. Cecil even got the one they both loved Rosa, striking an even deeper blow to Kain. He had an inner hatred for Cecil spawned by his jealously of his best friend. He betrayed the party twice, yet came back in the end for redemption. At the end, instead of going to the coronation like nothing happened, he knew he had to make changes to his life, so he trained on Mt. Ordeals to cleanse himself of the jealousy and hatred that made him so weak, so he may one day serve Baron as a true knight.

    That's what Makes Kain such a great character.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    That award goes to FF5. The battles themselves are simple to fight, and hard to master. You have to know the jobs very well to be able to progress further, yet there were so many ways to use the jobs to your advantage. I play FF5 about once every 6 months and the game's system still feels really fresh.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Kefka is easily the greatest FF villain. Many people say it's Sephiroth because of his attitude, plans, and overall coolness. Or maybe Kuja, because of his demonic nature and brutallity. Both fail in comparison to Kefka. Magical transfusions made him insane and incredibly powerful. The thing that made his so horyifying was the fact that, unlike all other FF villains, who believed that they were being the good guys and the heroes were the villains, Kefka knew he was evil. Kefka knew what he was doing was horribly wrong. But he did it anyway, in brutal ways nonetheless. That makes for a truly shocking villain.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FF4's really got to me. It never really seemd slow, but what I really liked was it was in a lot of ways like a biblical story straight out of the Bible. Without spoiling anything, most people know what I mean. The things Golbez did really hit you hard, and really motivate you. The game especially took off when all the villain's pieces of the puzzle fell into place at long last.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FF6. It had a great feeling of renewal, rebirth. It definitely felt like everything was going to return to noraml, after a hard, long-fought struggle. The parts of each character escaping was the best parts of all.
    Last edited by Kain Highwind; 11-16-2004 at 03:43 PM.

  13. #73
    In a short prelude, I have played all of the FF's except for 3.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I once would have said FF 3(VI). I loved that soundtrack for years. Then, I heard "Eyes On Me". This one song, in my opinion, is the most memorable one in all of the Final Fantasies, I found myself humming it in the hall at school yesterday, giving the award to FF8.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FF I! (just kidding) Seriously, though, this one is tough. After much deliberation I think I'll have to go with IX. All of the other games have underdeveloped, filler characters. I could write a paragraph about the personalities of every one of the FF IX characters (yes, even Quina, although his/her/its would be very short). Admittedly, the paragraphs wouldn't be at all realistic for some of them.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    I actually wrote down every FF character to figure out which one to put here. After much deliberation, I will have to say that I am taking this far too seriously. Oh, and my favorite is Squall from VIII. Never has there been one character focused on so much in the Final Fantasy series. And, for those of you who call him unrealistic, remember what his age is. He is one of the most realistic characters in the series.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Well, it definitely isn't I, II, V, VII, VIII, X, or X-2. That said, I loved VI. It had the perfect combination of customizability and having characters with *gasp* different abilities. I find it sad that Yuna had the potential to be the most powerful character only because she could summon and no one else could.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    The undead Emperor! (I kill myself) The only thing that all of the villians have in common is that they are all out of their freakin' minds. I do include Sephiroth in that, for all of you who still love a man who was voice acted by Lance Bass. A real villian can make you say "I would have done that in that situation." This makes you want them dead that much more because you are, in effect, fighting your own worst traits. I can only think of one villian like this. Kuja. A man who knows from birth that his only purpose is to destroy the population of a world and rejects his fate, striking back at his creator. I almost cried when he died.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    The first one that came to mind wss FF VII. Then I realized that there was only one really good scene in that game (we all know which one that is). I love one storyline so much that I go back and play it frequently despite a horrible battle system. That one is FF VIII. The passion that the characters display really pulls you into the game. Also, unlike the above mentioned, I have no favorite scene. Just a very long list of scenes that I never get tired of.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    The last boss may have been more random than most random battles, but no one can deny the power in the ending of FF IX. I had to fight back tears for almost the entire thing. It was beautiful. I can't write anymore because I refuse to give away any of this awesomness.

    Which FF was your overall Favorite?
    It's very close between VIII and IX. In the end I think I'll have to say VIII for no better reason then because I've played it through the most times.

  14. #74
    Faust VIII
    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy VII. The music of some of their boss battles really pumps my adrenaline. Not to mention "One-Winged Angel"... But if you're talking about songs, I'd have to say Final Fantasy VIII, mainly because of "Eyes on Me".

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy VIII. Taking out Rinoa, I'm extremely surprised at how close the relationship of the main characters to each other. I won't give away spoilers, since everyone knows what I'm talking about.

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Male: Final Fantasy VII, because of Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VIII, because of Seifer, and Final Fantasy Tactics, because of Orlandu.
    Female: Final Fantasy VIII, because my crush, Rinoa, is there. ^^

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy VII, because Limit Breaks never run out there. ^^ Just keep a yellow health, and may luck be on your side. Plus, the Junction system makes it very easy to create powerful characters.

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VII - I just love the angst of Sephiroth. His motivation to destroy the world is, somewhat, lonely.

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy VII. It's very nature-based. And it constantly reminds me to always protect nature. Plus, less romance for a change.

    Which Final Fantasy had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy Tactics. I don't want the main character dead. I wanted the main character to be ONLY considered dead, or never existed at all.

    What is you overall favorite Final Fantasy?
    Definitely Final Fantasy VII. A unique battle system, a very beautiful lead, and a cool song. What more can I ask for?

    Problem is, its too romantic. >.<

  15. #75
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy VII had most of my favorite songs. It really calm me and all.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    I would have to say Final Fantasy VIII. I think FFVIII characters were all really different and kool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VIII, Squall. His weapon and clothings looks so kool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    This one hard, but I like the battle system in Final Fantasy VII the most because of the limit breaks.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth is so kool and his long sword looks tight!

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Hard one again. I liked Final Fantasy VII's storyline because of some of the character's mysterious pasts.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy VIII. Eyes On Me I think is a very good song and it was very good song as a ending song.

  16. #76
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    The best music I've ever heard in a Final Fantasy game would have to be Final Fantasy IV. I enjoy almost all of the music, my favorite piece is not the regular boss music but the Four Fiends Boss/Battle Music.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    This is really a tough one. I think it has to be Final Fantasy VI. They had the most characters of any FF game and they all were developed wonderfully and had good depth. There stories were so interesting that it made you care about them on a more personal level than in the other games.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Final Fantasy IV no question about it. Dragoon Kain. I liked his battles with duality he experienced in his life or in game. It felt realistic to me, going back on things you say, changing your mind and then changing it back. Then again he was just kickass and was good as both an ally and a villain.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    This is a tough one as well. I mean FF IV introduced the ATB battle system, and that was a landmark in itself. FF Tactics provided excellent and realistic turn based fighting based upon speed of a character and initiative like in D & D for example. FF VI brought into play Pincer attacks which was an excellent touch on adding difficulty to tactical strategy.

    Honestly though I think I am going to give this to Final Fantasy X-2. I hate the 3 character aspect, but moving around the battlefield is realistic and I predicted they would do this in a future installment of there's, and they have. Aside from that, changing dresspheres allows alot of room for battle strategies and it seems like a fun system to play.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    I think it is going to have to be Final Fantasy VI. I think Kefka was one of the few villains in the FF series that actually got you to hate him. Alot of the events the Empire did enraged us as players and this translated into a need to stop them and bring there Empire to it's knees.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy Tactics there is no discussion on this. If you are too lazy or stupid to get through this game you are missing out on one of the greatest stories ever told. Intrigue, betrayal upon betrayal, who is the real enemies? Simply amazing.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Probably Final Fantasy VIII. I loved all the cg's, and the video camera scenes were excellent.

    FF VI was cool with the slideshow at the end with something symbolic of each character and saying there name along with it.

    FF VII was neat with how it ends with Aeris's face, like the game makes a complete circle.

    But FF VIII just had this family and friends type feel to it that gave you the impression that you had accomplished something great and it made you care.
    <img src="">
    Legion of Angels

  17. #77
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    FFVIII, FVII has beautiful music but the music in FVIII is to me more powerful, the musicianship is extremely good (regardless of the fact its all synthed, cept for eyes on me of course) Eyes on me is so multi layered its fantastic, so yeah FVIII for the fact that the musicianship is probably the best of all FF's and because its so powerfula nd emotive (julia is short and so so sweet)

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    This is hard because FVII has so many fantastic, memorable charcters, whether its the sheer deadly coolness of sephi, Barrets over the top MR Tisms, Clouds sheer brilliance...argh theres too many to list, but then FFVIII has characters that are awesome aswell though in a differant context...too tough too call...oh actually hold on, i tihnkt he characetrs in FFVIII gel together better than any other bunch of FF characters so going by that criteria FFVIII wins...phew

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Can't decide, theres too many to narrow down to just one, a few of my faves from across the games are:
    Kefka FVI
    Cloud FVII
    Sephi FVII
    Vincent FVII
    Rufus FVII
    Squall FVIII
    Rinoa FVIII
    Seifer FVIII
    Laguna FVIII
    Eiko FFIX (Eiko is so under rated, she's ****in wicked i love her)
    Kuja FFIX
    Steiner FIX
    Tidus FFX
    Wakka FFX
    Auron FFX
    too many to mention, they're all gems

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Probably FFVII, it was nice and simple, the summons looked good and the limit breaks were awesome

    but like Cobain said with FFx-2 that battle system is lots of fun, its fast frenetic and you can play dress up aswell

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    has to be out of Seifer and Sephi, both quite similar, in fact i imagine seifer as a callow younger version of sephi actualyl...anyoen else see the resemblance??

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FVII and FVIII, FFVIII had a real film feel about it which i really liked, i thought it was a brave move doing somethign differant and in my mind it paid off, and FFVII has just a really cool storyline, a bunch of hardcore eco warriors battle corruption and evil to save the planet they love, genius...if greenpeace were anything like Avalanche i'd sign up in a second and get my white ass a Buster sword, or maybe a gun arm :

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FFVIII its just nice seeing the gang all back together and the fact that rinoa and squall got it together just amde me happy and warm inside, oh and also the part where you seifer and his homies is really nice too, its the kind of ending that makes you go 'awwww' oh and the stuff with laguna in the end was awesome too

    talking about the games makes me want to go and play them all over again, especially FFVIII hmmm...
    Last edited by Geomancer; 12-12-2004 at 09:23 AM.

  18. #78
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy VII had by far the best music, i have asked for the soundtrack every year since 1997 for christmas, and i still haven't got it, my nana, got me the FFVIII one by accident, 3 years ago, its good but not a patch on FFVIIs, i used to go to the city of the ancients just to listen to the music, i love that piece, and one-winged angel is the best thing i have ever heard
    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FFVII, i love the characters in this game, they looked so good, like mydako said in his first post its amazing how they all have different stories that intertwine with each other all in hoping of the common goal.
    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FFVII again, Vincent ~ he was an absolute master, i wish he'd be in some FMV though, the secret character bit was amazing but bad for that reason
    FFIX Vivi ~ i thought he was amazing, he was so small yet so powerful, i like the mysterious look about him, as you can't see his face, like all black mages, but Vivi was the best
    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FFVII ~ the materia system is flawless, it works so well, you people get to absoluter badasses by the end, and there is an endless numbers of combinations you can do
    FFTactics ~ i love the job class, and the strategic battlefield, it makes this game my second favourite FF after FFVII.
    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    FFVII, No contest, Sephiroth is by far the greatest villian ever, he is so evil, the first time you hear of him, he kills the president of the world's biggest industry with a sword only he can use, then you see him in the flashback, he is invincible and kills everything effortlessly, then the third time you see him, he has impaled a giant 30ft serpent on a tree, HOW CAN YOU GET MORE EVIL THAN THAT?! his idea for destroying the world is also the most original, none of that bring war to gaia or compress time b*llshit...just destroy most of the planet consume the energy gathered to heal the planet and become an all powerful god SEPHIROTH IS AN ABSOLUTE F*CKING LEGEND!!!!
    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FFVII ~ immense storyline, by far the best, i still don't understand it all, everything about it was amazing, a lot of FFs have the start out small helping people, eventually you are responsible for the whole world, this pulls it off better than any other FF.
    FFtactics ~ second best storyline ever, i loved the storyline, plot twists, people manipulating the war its amazing.
    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FFVIII ~ i played FFVII first, then i got FFVIII so it was my first FF that i knew what i was doing from the beginning, i was so glad when i completed it, that i was watched in awe at the amazing FMV, the ending itself prob goes to FFVII though, it was amazing to see Aeris' face at the end.

    all in all i think FFVII is the greatest computer game ever made, FFTactics is second

    ...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Destroying the Weak since 11-11-2004

  19. #79
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy 7 Had some good music, it seemed to fit in properly with the mood it was trying to create.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy 7 had my favorite characters. Aeris and tifa were hot, and Sephy is my favorite villain. and i guess cloud was cool too.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy 7, Aeris. I think she's hot, and she has a good personality

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy 10-2 because you could change you class anytime you want, even during battle.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth He is the pefrect villian. evil looking, strong, awesome weapon.......(shall i continue)

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    I liked Final Fantasy VII's storyline because of some of the character's mysterious pasts. the way people kept switching from good to evil, evil to good. it was an overall, very interesting storyline

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Uh.......i would say 10. (this is an evil reason but still) because the main character never existed in the first place, making the other characters sad. Mwuahahahahaha....

  20. #80
    Valruin 574
    Favorite Music
    FFVII. One-Winged Angel sweeps every final fantasy music category (except love song). Every aspect of the piece shows an emotion, perfectly expressed in musical form.

    FFX. Every character (in the party) was so in depth. They each had their own interesting story. I just like theirs more than most other ff games.

    FFIX. Vivi!!! Man... wow.. He is so Concious about his own mortality. It's an amazing new philosophical character.

    Battle System
    X-2. Just a fun battle system.

    FFI. To tell the truth, I really don't like many of the FF villains. They all seem sceptical.

    VII!!!! Wow. Clouds past was amazing, there was the love triangle, and basically just the entrance into Clouds psyche was amazing. Never really done quite as well.

    X. For three words. I love you. Never before said. ONly understood.

  21. #81
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] King Fenii's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    I'm glad someone wants an intelligent opinion about people, and not just short blabbers on how 'LOL' a Final Fantasy can be. Okay, enough about that, back to the topic!

    Favorite Music:
    The best music used in a Final Fantasy was in Final Fantasy IX. Why? Simply because it accentuated the whole situation you were in every time. In FFVII or FFVIII, the themes of the games were more modern, thus making the music more modern, that doesn't mean they weren't good, but I just pick FFIX because of the whole fairy-tale setting.

    Favorite Characters:
    This is without a doubt in Final Fantasy VII. It's hard to say who isn't cool in the game. I even like Cait Sith! The characters are in the game just have so much spunk, and seem invincible. So self-confident and so much morale. And every character has his own history (of course ANY character in a RPG has), but in FFVII, you can find out everything about the main characters, what makes you more connected to the characters.

    All Time Favorite Character:
    In Final Fantasy VII, the first person you see is Aeris, well that isn't my favorite character, I always thought she was a bit weak and non-persistant. My favorite is Cloud Strife. Okay, it's noy really original, but he is just the best. The perfect swordsman, attitude like hell. Rides a motorcycle, and kicks his idol's *ass. My second favorite character all time is Red XIII, just because he is so noble and wise (Ok, he's an old geezer), but being smart AND being strong, that really impresses me. On the third place is Cyan from Final Fantasy VI, he has a tragic history, he's a noble swordsman AND he is always polite.

    Favorite Battle System:
    Final Fantasy always, generally, had the same sytem: The ATB system, it's the system I know the best and cherish the most, the good will play an incredibly fast battle, the weak will play with a 6 Battle Speed and Wait.

    Favorite Villain:
    I think this is a retorical question.....of course I'm gonna say Sephiroth. He is just, too cool. A little insane though but still. This guy even has his own theme song! I also reallly loved Kefka, this guy screwed the whole empire, and gained power for himself, and I like his sinister laugh.

    Favorite Storyline:
    Again, Final Fantasy VII, because Cloud was struggling with himself and finding out the truth during the game. Always knwoing that Sehpiroth was stronger than him, he defeated him in the very end. It was just beautiful.

    Favorite Ending:
    That's a though one, I liked almost all the endings. I liked the one from VII, but it isn't my favorite. My favorite ending is from FFIX. I'm not gonna tell the ending, cuz it's kind of a spoiler, but I just loved it, very dramatic.

    In the end I choose FFVII as my favorite Final Fantasy, this doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the rest of the Final Fantasies. The reason no Final Fantasy below 6 is listed here, is because Square learned from his mistakes and improved with almost every new Final Fantasyl they released..........

  22. #82
    The best Music from a final fantasy, for me had to be FFIX, I love the music from terra and burmecia and i just can't get enough of them. I actually bought the soundtrack for it but they are pretty hard to find, in short it just made me feel into it more than ony of the others.

    I think that the characters from IX were great as well, they were very diverse and it was the first game where the character was based on the job they performed. Up until then you could basically make anyone anything you wanted. It was good to see the original black mage and at the beginning when Garnet/Dagger wore the white cloak to escape she reminded me of the classic white mage. I think that my only problem with any of the characters was Amarant Coral, he just wasn't a very good monk also would have been nice to see a red mage used.

    My favourite character is Rikku from final fantasy X, shes fast, agile, and in the end has one of the most useful overdrives. My respects also go out to some of my other faves, Vivi, Barret and Auron.

    The best battle system was X-2, the fast overlapping moves where allies can take damage for eachother if timed right. It's such a pity the ability system was so bad, along with the storyline and the overall hype of the game. The best ability system i think should alos be mentioned here and I think that that was the junction system from FFVIII, whilst i didn't like the game much I had heaps of fun drawing spells from enemies to beef up my characters resistance and added abilities.

    I would have to say that there have been some really evil villains in the series and although Seymour was scary evil, i think that the most evil of the evil was Kuja. There was an FMV sequence to the end of that game where he blows the crap out of Terra and he spins in mid air and it is the most menacing thing I've ever seen in a game.

    Storyline for me goes to FFX it took me so long to work out but after I did it made the most sense and just worked so well for me i had to play it again to marvel at its beauty, with all the little subtleties in the script.

    The best ending had to be X also because the plot went so well and watching it was just so good, especially when Auron gets sent.

  23. #83
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] 2ndPower's Avatar
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    Check under the covers
    My favorite music was in FFX. The music for this was composed beautifully, and it did an excellent job of setting the mood.

    Overall, my favorite characters were in FFVI. You saw great depths of personality in this game, and one could easily relate to the characters.

    My favorite character is Squall form FFVIII. I'm generally a quiet and anti-social guy, quite like Squall. I saw a bit of myself in him.

    My favorite battle system was in FFVI. While I do enjoy the amount of customization in the other games, I do like my characters to be naturally distinct, and the personal abilities this game provided worked well for me.

    My favorite villain was Kefka from FFVI. He was completely maniacal, and somewhat crazy, and even put the world in ruin to achieve his own ends.

    My favorite storyline is the one from FFVI. I thought it was great how the characters goals kept changing e.g. How a quest to find Terra ended up becoming a quest to save the world. It is also full of unexpected twists.

    FFX had my favorite ending. I thought it was the most emotional of all the endings, as well as the most well executed.

  24. #84
    1. FF9 had my favourite. It really fitted in with the theme of the game. And I really enjoyed it.

    2. FF7 had my favourite characters. The characters were well thought out, and really cool!

    3. FF7. My favourite characters are Aeris and Tifa maybe..

    4. FF7. Its was easy and the materia actaully fitted in with the story-line.

    5. I wasn't really into the villians, but my favourite was The Shinra.

    6. FF7 defently had the better storyline. It really confused me at times, but I loved it!

    7. FF9 had the best ending. It was really great.

  25. #85
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] awall's Avatar
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    Home is where the house is
    Music: FF8, hands down. Force Your Way has got to be the single best boss music ever. Don't Be Afraid is the only battle music I can listen to over and over again and not get tired of it. I also am somewhat partial to the eerie Sorceress themes mid-game. And of course, who could forget the final boss suite (The Legendary Beast, Maybe I'm a Lion, The Extreme)?

    Cast of Characters: FFX. Usually parties are just collections of characters thrown together for gameplay purposes. FFX's party, however, had personality as a whole. There was tension between Wakka and Rikku, Lulu was a bit condesending toward Tidus at times... the inter-character dynamics were very well thought out.

    Individual Character: Squall, FF8. He was such a beautifully designed and well developed character, and his rivalry/friendship with Seifer was a masterpiece of characterization.

    Battle System: FFT. The entire game was about battles. Need I say more? If so, there were many parts of the system that I loved... the strategic nature of the battles... the difficulty (when was the last time a FF was actually hard?), the parallel nature of characters and enemies (they play by the same rules you do... same max HP, same damage scale, same abilities, etc.)... the customizability (I've replayed countless times and had a drastically different party each time), and the huge range of abilities.

    Villian: Hmm... I like villians who honestly believe they're good guys... or at least not bad. Villians who are being evil for their own selfish goals are no fun... In order for a villian to seem believable, I have to be able to sympathize with him, or at least understand where he's coming from. Seifer (FF8) and Wiegraf (FFT) are both very good in this regard. Even Ritz (FFT-A) was okay as far as this goes. Seymour and Sephiroth are sorta okay, but they're a bit too much on the maniacal side of things... I can't sympathize with someone who's trying to destroy the world.

    Storyline: FF6. Epic... simpily epic. Moreso than FF7 in my opinion. VI is a struggle for survival against a cruel god raining destruction from his tower. VII was also very good, but it felt too... forced... (for lack of a better word)... in some places. FFT was also great, but it's really hard to tell a story in a tactics-RPG.

    Ending: I don't like the endings of the older games... after you beat the final boss, that doesn't mean the world should all of the sudden become all wonderful and peaceful... (glares accusingly at FF6). I'd have to say I like FFT the best because it's very open-ended and allows for interpretation.

  26. #86
    Final Fantasies VIII, X, and Unlimited by FAR were in posession of the greatest score. I would have an extremely difficult time trying to discern my partiality to any one of these, though. All are delightful.

    I thought that Final Fantasies VIII and X had the best developmental and personality differences in the series. Again, both are too challenging to tell which is my personal favorite.

    My favorite character, eh...? Hands down, Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VIII. What an amazing and inspiring story of change and growth this young man portrays as he goes along in the story; his boyish and confronatational rivalry with peer Seifer Almasy does not harm his reputation in the least.

    ...and the omnipresent and ever-controversial topic, the battle system. Mine? Final Fantasy Tactics Advance; undisputed, unswayable, imperturbable. The epitimy of enjoyment, especially when knocking one's foe off a large drop-off. Mmmyes.

    I cannot say which villain was the best, mostly because I have not beaten most of the games and what little I have watched does not provide me with sufficient grounds on which to make my claim. But drawing on what little knowledge I have, I will be driven to say Sin/Jecht, from Final Fantasy X.

    The penultimate reply; the storyline! Many cheers and dancings about. Final Fantasy VIII, completely and utterly. Wonderful characters, engaging story, and although somewhat partial to tangents (what Final Fantasy isn't, is my question!), utterly spectacular!

    Awww... of course, how fitting to terminate this syllabus with my favorite ending. I declare this the ending to (somewhat obvious, no?) Final Fantasy VIII. Love it. There is not much to define why, save for the fact that it was the smoothest one, and did not (thankfully) leave room for ruination from a sequel. Marvelously grand.
    Last edited by TrueBlueOtaku; 09-03-2005 at 04:34 PM.

  27. #87
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    FF VII. Great character themes . The girls had a soft emotional(Aeris) sound to it. While the guys had more strong tense sound to them. Best track has to be one winged angel. The music has so much darkness in it which makes it the ultimate bad guy theme.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    FF IX. The style changed from being realistic and human back to cartoony and Fantasy like. All the characters had some kind of Disney feeling to me which I found a good thing.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    FF IX. As in the previous question I stated that FF IX had the best characters to me. So it's obvious I chose one from this game, being Vivi. Vivi reminded me of Pinoccio, his storyline really touched me which makes him my favorite FF character.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    FF X. It was really helpful having that turn indicator at the upper right of your screen and it made you think to make better decisions in some situations. Best of all you could switch a character for another at any time during a battle and sometimes you had to which made it tactical and more fun.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    FF VII. Sephiroth is my favorite villain all time. The way he was conceived makes you understand why he did what he felt was right to him. His motives and his affection for his mother not caring about anything else made him turn into a devil. When I came upon the scene where Aeris got killed I knew this guy was serious.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FF VII. The story showed great quality writing. Lots of unforgettable moments. Cloud's past intertwining with Zack was cleverly done. Barret and Dyne's story could've been taken out of a movie. Aeris who was the innocent victim of Sephiroth's rage. All the scenes taken from this game will always have a place in my memories.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FF IX. The final scenes had so much emotion in it and the suspense was building. Was he alive? Would he come and see her? All these questions you knew the answer of but the way it happened was like in a movie. A cloaked figure showing up and surprise it's Zidane, finally running into each others arms (aaaahw).
    Last edited by Styx; 09-18-2005 at 12:24 PM.

  28. #88
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Red XIV's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    The State of Great Lakes
    Music - Final Fantasy 7
    The music just got caught in my head. In my opinion the first FF with good music. One-Winged Angel is stuck in my head and I will always love the tribal Cosmo Canyon/Seto/RedXIII music

    Overall Characters - Final Fantasy 7
    Some of the characters were mysterious and cold (Sephiroth/Vincent/Cloud)
    Some of the characters were funny (Yuffie/Cid/Cait Sith)
    One was an animal (Red XIII)
    One was sexy (Tifa)
    And one of them, unexpectedly and explicably died (Aerith)
    Just a great cast...

    Character - what else, Final Fantasy 7
    Red XIII. Red is an tiger/wolf who is like a tribal member. Red has family problems and throughout the game definately evolves (maturing).

    Battle System - FF7
    I love materia!!! I don't like the FF battle systems when only certain characters can summon (btw, I like the FF8 junction system) certain characters, only some can use magic, blah, blah, blah. That'd be FF9. But, FF7 is simple and materia gives you a lot of mixing and matching to do and is simple...

    Best Villain -, just joking, FF7 just the perfect mad scientist and SPOILER Hojo is Sephiroth's father...the perfect Darth Vader syndrome SPOILER end. Sephiroth is also a great evil villain, just classic.

    Storyline - Final Fantasy 7
    It is futuristic and just envelopes you into it with a good plot, unlike FF9, which I hate.... Well, aside the hate, FF7 has everything, metropolis, tribal, ancestry, mystery, plus a theme park.... And, I just love the game and everything about the game.

    Ending - FF7
    Yes, the ending leaves you to wonder, but watch the credits!!! My favorite character, Red XIII gets a mohawk and some kids, and is the only character to completely survive FF7 (ha ha, Red is old, everyone else died of old age)
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  29. #89
    The best FF for music/soundtrack has to be FFX, it start with the heavy FMV blitz sequence track and continues with excellent consistency, also, I love the piece 'In Zanarkand' because of how it is intertwined with Tidus' emotions at that point in the game.

    FFVII definitely had my favourite characters. Cloud was awesome, and had a lot of character development throughout the game, which I liked a lot. Tifa and Barrett also had a lot of development, in fact, nearly all the characters did. The only downside was Yuffie… god I hated her! That's why I never even bothered to get her after my first play through. But Vincent is cool.

    FFVII's Vincent was my favourite character, simply because he had my favourite back story of any FF character. The dark, dingy former Turk that had a unknown number of horrific experiments done on him to the point where he has the ability to become a monster.

    FFVII has my favourite battle system, everything you need to know is at the bottom of the screen, so at a glance you can check everything (plus I love how they changed the system after FFVI)

    I think my favourite FF villain had to be Kain from FFIV, for the part of the game where he's actually against your party. It was the first time I'd fought against my own party members and I thought it was brilliant for the plot development of the game.

    FFX has my favourite storyline, the transition to Spira is a bit… odd, but the rest of the game follows through perfectly. Especially with Tidus being the outsider of the game, and you seeing it form his perspective, learning things as he does. Also, the characters join the party at well timed intervals, and the two Zanarkand's was very intriguing.

    FFX defiantly had my favourite ending. It seemed to sum up the whole mess of things that had happened throughout the game very well I think. Plus it was the first time I had ever seen an FF character cry, and this was made all the more moving by the fact that it was the lead character who was doing it.

    So, overall it looks like my favourite FF is FFX with FFVII a close second behind it (and this took ages to write as well!)
    Yes, I am that little white running man on the fire exit signs you see.

  30. #90
    Favorite villain is without a doubt Sephiroth because he was how a villain should be. I'm sick of these Kefka characters that are just pure evil, and not developed well for their reasoning. Sephiroth was developed and I truly felt for him. Plus his character design was amazing; the One-Winged Angel is the greatest symbolism I;ve seen.

    My favorite final fantasy game would have to 7 or 8
    More towards 7

    Final Fantasy VII had the best selection of characters. To stand and look at them you wouldn't think they'd be travelling the world together....but it is fantasy...i liked all the characters from Final Fantasy VII.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Had to be FFVII..the music is haunting..Especially The Aeris Death me goosepimples everytime..FFX opening theme is good also.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    FFVII and FFT about a 50/50 spread...although like Masamune..I didn't like Cait Sith..but I LOVED Yuffie.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Cloud. I like him..he's a Weak (normal) person caught up in extraordinary events. Rikku and Vincent are up there also.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I liked FFVII's Materia setup..but i also Like FFX's Player Switching..I hated FFVIII's Magic system (Draw?). Combining 7 and 10 would be good.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Duh, the "One Winged Angel" blows em all away.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Well, It's hard but..Ultimately I chose FFVII over Tactics...(i hated 8's)

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    As much as I loved Playing's ending was..odd...IIj sucked..Tactics was okay..Guess the best and most rewarding Is IV...V wasn't too bad either.

    Fav Battle System. This is difficult, but I would give it to FF7. FF7 had the depth of newer age systems with the rewarding and progressive nature of the old school. Older games are too basic, yet newer games could quite stay balanced. In FF8 it gave you supreme control which made thigns too easy and effortless, taking the point out of battling (which led to me using Enc-None all the time) and then FFX while ingenius in so many ways (character switching *drool*, all the abilities), basically was very unbalanced. You were very weak for a long time (relying on Aeons when things got tough) then suddenly had massive power that could destroy anything. Status effects were also useless because anything weak enough to actually be hurt by them could be easily taken out by sheer strength. However Final Fantasy 7 gave you all the depth of newer games, the different magics, status spells, command abilities, and ability to mix them all together. Yet kept it all in old-school progression, rewarding you progressively for time and effort. Not only in magic growth, but in magic use and combination through weapons which progressively held more at a time. Complex but not hard, control but not overpowered, perfectly balanced and progressive. FF7 is definitely the best dispite lack of small refinements given with the current gen of systems.
    Fav Villain. FF7. As I said before Sephiroth had reasons, sure he was still nuts but he seemed far more deep, intelligent, and even yes - human, about it all. His quest for power is very human, though amplified by madness and increasing power. He started out cool and ended a different flavor of the same cool. His role through the game was far more important to everyone than villians in most other games. And plus the thing that gets him the biggest props - he offed that stupid ditz Aeris! He sure knows how to pick em, it's sad I couldnt shake his hand and thank him for that before I offed him. But yeah, she was my most hated character in any RPG, he gets MAD PROPS for that, heh. FF7 also has the best supporting villians - the Turks! they are just so cool.

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